Wednesday, June 22, 2011

PEE-O-PEDIA.......side please side

Well,yah i know, this is little off-beat from my style of explorational-writing but i thought this might be very helpful to the feminine side.., considering they are never allowed into this unseen world of male.Hence apart from class There is another area where you can easily categorize people. That one place the Men's washroom ( No No not that, stop your thoughts you perverts). 

As opposed to women(hollywood movies yaar), talking in men's washroom is an absolute taboo. And  you basically  don't even care the person standing next to you. Well every person has a different way of handling his own pee schedule. 

PEE(defn)  : it is sterile, nature call which once activated cannot be stopped. the general occurrence happens usually when one is  busy watching a movie in a theater or shopping in a mall . Out of the uttermost common , peeing also known :P in texting world is the better form of releasing all impurities from bodies.

Different types of pee goers;

1.The Racers , people in fast life, people who have to meet the deadline : For them everything is an F1 race. They barge in, go the nearest cubicle, have a race against time to empty their load as fast as they can. Go to the basin wash their hands and then check the time. For them pee break is nothing but a pit stop. The come in have their strategy decided and leave as soon as they came.These can be easily found in airports and etc.,

2.The confused souls: These are the people who don't really know how and why they ended in the washroom. They are baffled when they enter, look around and then go to the basin still not sure why they are here. Look at themselves in the mirror,back comb their hair, little styling and good to go. Then remember why they are here and finally do the job and well go out the same way -> basin -> mirror -> looking around. They even conduct their job in a confused way.

              (Fact:These entire washroom required 380 kg of pure gold and 6,200 gemstones. Even the fixtures were made of gold. It cost Hong Kong $38 million)

3.The mr.perfectionists : These are the category of people who have to have perfection at everything they do. Aiming at the correct spot is their sole intention. Aiming and striving to hit the target. Even at the basin their activities are coordinated as if guided by an algorithm. Going to basin opening the tap to have just the correct pressure ... taking right amount of soap and closing the tap well in tap to conserve resources.

4.The Benched crowd : These are the people who have time on their side. Washroom is like the second home to them. Every time you go, you would see them. They do everything leisurely - From start to the point discussing about them.

5.The Why me crowd: This is a set of people who always have something going wrong their lives. When they enter their face is an object of pity. They look around desperately for a place to relieve themselves. Walking awkwardly as if everything that can go wrong is about to go wrong. These people can be a subject of case study for people studying what happens to people when they achieve something they desire. The change in reaction of their face pre and post job has marked difference. What was an object of pity a few moments back keeps giving to the contagious smile of a winner saying - " yes I have done it "

i have decided what type i belong to....have you?

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