Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bench, Benchers and the back-benchers!!

A Sleeping Lion Is Stronger Than A Barking DOG,
So A Sleeping Student Is always Better
Than A Barking ONE ……….by back benchers association(B.B.A)!!

This quote was written on a school table, when I was there to write my c.a exams.At that very moment I wasn’t thinking of the qoute as such, because I lost in my own world of volumes and chapters. But yesterday suddenly it came  to my mind that we generally   forget to understand, appreciate  and thank the very "Bench" itself.Hence I decide to discuss the whatness,whereabouts and characteristics of bench and benchers.

Definition : Bench is a very important part of a student life.it is on the bench that students mate….which means the bench mates become friends. Bench-mating is very good for both professional and personal life.  Bench has been a source of both fame and controversy.  Bench is free of charge to all irrespective of Gender, caste, creed, religion, and financial status in an atmosphere of love and care of principal and in particular, the class teacher.

The occupants of the benches can be classified into different categories:

1.The front Benchers 

The very no-nonsense group. Normally they have their shirts tucked in ,sleeves full,well oiled and combed hair. They try to replicate, depict and then reciprocate each and every of the teacher's words. If one ,Looks upto a front bench girl then the very next moment she is going to give them the formula of becoming a "(chick) magnet". To the people on the later benches, the “cool duds", these are the "losers" but well after the class graduates the equation changes rapidly and the tables turn. Anyhow these people are teachers pets….the vodaphone one and well 70% of the time teacher only teaches them…..as per Indian institute of tech-no-logic!!

2.The apparent front Benchers

This group normally consists of individuals who want to study but also have a life….frock life(censored)!. They normally use the front benchers as cover for hiding their marvel comics(again censored),Spice mobile phones, Twilight Novels(if,girls) and well anything and everything. Sometimes when they are bored just for kicks they also ask a question to waste time of the teacher. Most of the time of this group is spent by either pulling someone's leg from their own group or dividing their attention between the procrastination device, the teacher and looking at the people from other sex. (The last point has been discussed in the next chapter)  

3.The middle Benches: 

These people are often the most confused of the lot. They don't really know  whether they want to study or just procrastinate. In this confusion most of the time is spent making weird theories….the real conspiracy theories. Giving stupid ratings to anything and everything under the PSPO fan. Doodling on the desk, scratching on head and playing games like book cricket is common. The activity mostly pursued by them is well - sleep. Most of the time they would be found in the dreamland conquering new kingdoms and exploring new vistas including a visit to HOGWARTS. They are never in teachers line of sight. Not too front so that teacher teaches them, neither too back so that teacher keeps a cautious eye on them. They are sometimes the unsuspecting target of an enthusiastic teacher who asks them a question. The answer to which is delight to the whole class along .  

4.The apparent back benchers: 

These are the " cool duds" of the class ( mark the euphemism in the tone ). They would try to act differently and of course weirdly. They Look at others with condensation especially the front benchers. Passing snide comments is their birth right. They are keen on making plans to get to know that new girl in the class, even if that girl is rated 2 or below. During school this place is the abode of the bullies- the same one's who stole your lunch boxes and deflated your cycle tires{interestingly the movie “Stanley ka dabba “ was considered to be loosely inspired by this}. Their desks have some of the best comments which you can imagine. Some so naughty that they may make you go crazy. The teacher is always - Budha, sadoo, ganja, khadoos,takla to name a few and their notebooks would have more games played than the formula's taught..mainly FLAMES. They are considered to be the creators of modern bench-scribbling game.

5.The Back Benchers : 

These poor souls are at the back because most of the time they are late to the class ( nearly always) for no fault of their own ( again nearly always) or basically they hate publicity and attention. The most common thing about this group is their dress. Sometime they would have two different coloured socks, the shirt being out,a sand’witch’ which is still being muched in their mouth, the bag half open threatening to spill its contents. They would be scavenging for that oye extra pen or a spare sheet of paper. The moment they enter the class they would give the teacher the look of a deer caught in front of headlights of Sports bike. These people at first really do try to come early but well the alarm, the cycle, that person who occupies the bathroom for 1 hour before them always betrays them. At first they feel bad about coming late. Later it becomes a ritual. And then a tradition…….

Finally,in the words of a back bencher:

“ Don’t Study Too Much
That You Forget Your Ownself!!
Or In The End You Wud Be…

Like Isac Newton
Boiled His Watch In Place
Of Egg While He Was Noticing Time
From The Egg In Place Of Watch.

Albert Einstein Ever In His Life
Didn’t Comb His Hair.
Above All,
Lous Pasteur Forgot
The Very Day Of His Wedding..
Hosh Se GEO…..Dost!!

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