Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Tale of summer joblessness and discussing!!....

Archives from Fcuk book of indies :

Its summer time…or basically another holiday time and my friend Chana (incase you forgot him then do read http://satireshashank.blogspot.com/2011/01/trip-to-heavenin-train.html) has decided to “do something meaningful”, so he along with 2 other students from the KALLING-AH LAW SCHOOL, KLS, have successfully completed their mandatory summer internship about  an “cycle-rickshaw” in Kolkata.

Confirming the rickshaw-based internship, Mr. Chuk-Chuk LAL, the placement chairperson of KLS, praised the Future Liars (lawyers, in general) for their lateral thinking in trying to solve the myriad problems that society today faced on cycle rickshaw, the chief of those being ‘what to do with all those LAW students during those 2 months between the year ending of the session’.

Commenting exclusively to Senior senorita of fcukbook, the trend setting students shared their experience………….

“Every year, all of our fellow L-awwww…. students occupy so much space in corporate offices, drink gallons of Chai, cause the Coolers to generate another ton of greenhouse gases causing more headache to NDTV’S Greenathon and give already overworked middle management HR personnel the really enriching but also tiring task of cooking up something to keep us busy along with the overly obsessed farting topics. At KLS, however, we have always been encouraged to challenge status-quo and think out of the box, like an intern on rickshaw,” remarked SHWET, with her rassogulla round cheeks.

Mohandas K.G(name changed), her classmate and rickshaw project partner, had an altogether different take on the issue tweeted : “Corporate Social Responsibility is another area of focus at KLS. Until we make a real change at the bottom of the pyramid, India cannot ‘shine’(that’s why we use kiwi polish too..he hashtagged) If we, the top braggers of the country do not contribute to this, then who will? Therefore, we decided to catch hold of somebody who would really do with some help from us. A stint with an cycle-rickshaw wallah seemed like a good idea…..They helped us to understand on how to take peoples asses to different places and gain pennies out of it. Even though its different from our field, The involvement of ASSESS makes things LEGENDARY…….”

“The changing scenery would also alleviate boredom and stimulate creative thinking in field of LAW. Considering the state of misery in WEST BENGAL, the risk of falling asleep in office at HIGH COURT in the afternoon was also negated, a common problem faced by many of our batchMATES,” he added.


 Interestingly, few months back in the very same KOLKATA HIGH COURT, two of the batchmates (name withheld for romance purpose) were caught dis-kissing….err..i mean for  discussing in the court premises. This incident was caught on 2mp.nokia 5300 camera by an office clerk and was shown to their principle.

“How can they discuss in a high court premises? There are other senior male and female lawyers practicing there. They never do such things. These kids are horrific...! How can they do it??”..The principal replied for  a phone call. On the other note, the college authorities continuing their stand over “tax on wrong things – fine” levied RS.5000/- from each, on the grounds of degrading the college’s big bang reputation on national circuit.

But, parents who were in a state of shock and awe  wanted justice for their law kids. “Can students be fined for discussing?? ”...was the general question.

The matter has been taken to Supreme Court and the judge has adjourned it until the students become lawyers and fight their own case in 10years time………..

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