Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Chronicles of Chennai - Auto Version

There will be a time in “your” history when somewhere in the country, you will get down a train and starting searching for……..a……a………a……auto rickshaw. Yes, you read it correctly.

The Three-wheel or tuk-tuk, trishaw, auto, rickshaw, autorick, bajaj, rick, tricycle, mototaxi, or baby taxi whichever way you know, it’s fine unless and until you are in Chennai.

The Chennai Autorickshawallas  ( CA spelt as Cahhhh) claim to have  the blessings of Lord Rajni and God Gajni. And, Yes because of this special considerations they zip-zap-zoom across the streets no matter who walks, runs or jumps before them.

 Most recently while I was travelling in one of these autos’…… I got hold of a Paper which popped out accidentally out  of  passenger’s seat.Intrestingly, when I surfed through the paper, shocking things came out,"A Rule Note". Which read something like this......


#7     The language of Hindi should never be encouraged and same is with English. Do never speak in any other languages of this planet, other than your mother tongue Tamil.

#6     The Auto Committee has decided to support Anna Hazare and his India against Corruption Movement. Henceforth we won’t “EVER” install & run the meters of autos, as per common civil disobedience movement against corrupt practices in the country.

#5     With sudden rise of a Rupee in petrol/diesel prices should make 50% hike in passenger fare. If, any customers argues/bargains with you…ask him to Go-off ( F-off is better but don’t use it very constantly, as customer may get used to it)

#4      Select a Tamil star as your Demi-god. It’s always helpful to have huge posters inside auto, so that their fans may sometime pay extra tip or help you in verbal/physical brawls.

#3     Whenever and wherever possible stick stickers and tattoos of Either AIADMK or DMK in front of your auto. This helps to ease polici-cal as well political hassle.

#2      Road is all yours. Ride freely, enjoyingly and annoyingly. Dash anyone you want. Later that can be settled through Point 4 and 3 respectively.

#1      Free tour. If any person is brand new to chennai city, it’s your courtesy call, to give him a free tour of the city. So whenever a non-chennai passenger entrains your auto, Ask him whether he knows chennai. If no is the answer, please help him to have a greater look of Madrasapattinam overall.
