Saturday, September 3, 2011

Most important accidental Discoveries which changed the course of world

Thomas Edison was once caught saying to his girlfriend          
“Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Err…well he was sincerely speaking about his experiments, nothing else.(Oh now stop thinking!!)

This inspired me to think, study and dream about non-science experiments which changed our lives forever.

#5 Chocolate Chip Cookies

According to Nestle, Mrs. Wakefield (owner of the Toll House Inn) was making chocolate cookies but ran out of regular baker’s chocolate, so she substituted it with broken pieces of semi-sweet chocolate, thinking that it would melt and mix into the batter. It clearly did not, and the chocolate chip cookie was born. Wakefield sold the recipe to Nestle in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate chips (instead of patenting it and making billions!) Every bag of Nestle chocolate chips in North America has a variation of her original recipe printed on the back (margarine is now included both as a variant on butter and for those people who want to pretend it is healthy).

As of now Nestle is the largest food and nutrition company in the world. It operates in around 86 countries and employees more than 2, 80,000 people world-wide.

SS-Factoid: Nestle has recently concluded that the sales of Bourneville chocolate has gone down as people are literally not buying it because they want to earn it!!...phewwww

#4 Potato chips

If  you can't eat just one potato chip, blame it on Chef George Crum. 

He reportedly created the salty snack in 1853 at Moon's Lake House near Saratoga Springs, New York. Fed up with a customer who continuously sent his fried potatoes back, complaining that they were soggy and not crunchy enough, Crum sliced the potatoes as thin as possible, fried them in hot grease, then doused them with salt. The customer loved them and "Saratoga Chips" quickly became a popular item at the lodge and throughout New England., later throughout the world

SS-factoid: Lays in in its recent board meeting has passed an unanimous resolution promising customers of more chips and less of air inside its chips packets  

#3 Corn Flakes 

Ok. For millions of americans and billions of earthly citizens, corn flakes is one of the best morning breakfast ever invented. Its quick,easily digestible, and energetic but next only to redbull or “the LAL SANDH” . 

This idea of corn flakes began by accident when Kellog and his younger brother, Will Keith Kellogg, left some cooked wheat to sit while they attended to some pressing matters at the sanitarium. When they returned, they found that the wheat had gone stale, but being on a strict budget, they decided to continue to process it by forcing it through rollers, hoping to obtain long sheets of the dough. To their surprise, what they found instead were flakes, which they toasted and served to their patients. This event occurred on August 8, 1894, and a patent for "Flaked Cereals and Process of Preparing Same" was filed on May 31, 1895, and issued on April 14, 1896

SS-Factoid: In year 2007, Corn flakes celebrated its 100 years of its existence and has released a brochure of future flavours….which includes Coffee, Rose, Pepsi, and Mcdowells No.1 for adults with hangover.

#2 Coffee

From SlashFoods: "The Legend of Kaldi maintains that an Abyssian or Ethopian goat herder noticed that his flock was acting especially frisky after chowing down on some bright red berries. After sampling some for himself and verifying the mood shift, he brought the berries to a local imam who studied them, eventually roasting and boiling a batch in water."

No SS_Factoids for this, considering the fact that I am a very heavy fan of Coffee :P

# 1 You

Friends, what else in the world can be more dramatic than you sitting in front of your laptop/pc/mobile and reading this. Consider this valid medical point “millions of sperms fight out EVERYTIME for one single position and in the end, if ALL goes WELL, ONLY ONE SUCCESSFULLY MAKES OUT”

  •   YOU are the best person in the world!
  •  YOU are smartest, and can tell when you’ve found the right perception.
  • YOU can experience the joy of having a beautiful life!
  • YOU are having an enjoyable time reading this page!
  • YOU will next, won’t be able to resist the urge to tell your friends about me!

Hence/Hens, I wanted to draw an important conclusion that YOU are the most important and intellectual discovery of all time. You can never be re-found,re-booted nor re-invented. You are worth trillions. So stop crying over failed aspirations, quests and relationships (if, any).

Start living life………………….

P.S : other worth knowing accident discoveries being 
1.Microwave oven
2.Super glue
3. Vulcanized Rubber
4.Fireworks name a few

note: other than SS = Satire Shashank factoids, rest all are true as per my knowledge!!