Tuesday, August 16, 2011

20 commandments of Con-gre-ass party

Dear con-grease party workers,
As you’re slightly aware that the “holy di-wine” is suffering from a very rare disease .So, The diggviji sigh & man-no-man are currently feeling very lonely. Hence Before leaving for her anticipated high profile visit to state of new-cork…….Madam along with other senior dignitaries has framed a  mayavati-nice , vodka-strong and kalmadi-innocent commandments to be followed by all Con-grease workers across the universe.

      1.The frame(photo ones) must never be stained, as party high command has proclaimed;
      2. Love Rahul BABA over all things;
      3. Declare your unconditional love for Con-gre-ass & Sonia Jee;

      4. Defend the Fingers of Hand;

      5. Preach the words of “Sonia G” all over the world;

      6. Pray in the church where she preached, and to her sacred well ironed Sarees;

      7. Do not proclaim the name of Sonia/Rahul infront of other political parties;

      8. Follow the teachings of the Rajiv Church;

      9. Let Gandhi be your second name, and that of your children;
     10. “lei è forza, E 'universo, è al centro di tutto” (Meaning “she is strength, She is universe ,        
she is the center of everything”)

11.. The month September shall hence forth be renamed as “ soniamber”

12. Thou shalt have no other leader before her, neither Gandhi nor ambedkar, vallabhai nor bose. Thou shalt worship only her, and come to 10janpath only for answers.

13. Thou shalt remember each passing day and use thy time as an opportunity to gain knowledge of Her highness.

14. Thou shalt not misspell whilst praying to her. i.e, Edvige Antonia Albina Maino

15. Thou shalt not Google about anna hazare

16. Thou shalt not manipulate with factbooks and try to find out about origin of her highness “godmother”

17. Thou shalt not make for thyself any graven image of sonia

18.Thou shalt always know is the ultimate BOSS – Rahul JEE
      19.Thou shalt learn Italian and make it your mother    tongue

20.Thou shalt read above 19 points daily 64times (her age) or else Delhi Police will be sent to detain You and send you to Tihar jail

Hope you will be well versed by the above 20 commandments.

Please note : In every 6 months a test will be conducted to check your level of grip over the subject.

For eg., 1.Explain Manmohan mode (7 marks)
              2.In detail explain Manish teWARi (15 marks)

Yours sincerely,
Always lovable,
Jai didi

(phy-nonsense minister)

                                         Janhit mein jaari..............

Friday, August 5, 2011


Memories…..Some are big, others are beautiful. Some express love, others revisit the lost. Some give remembrance, others give pleasure. Some transport you back, others bring a smile.

Whichever way you try, memories are the only paradise  which can never   be expelled from our life!   

 5th, August, 2010

I was in deep siesta. Suddenly random sounds woke me up. Slowly I opened my eyes, with a blurred vision, I can see white clad sarees  hovering around the room. This usually never happens in In-patient Ward at Christian Medical College at night 2 o’clock. After recuperating my full senses I can observe Adis’ O2 meter was coming down slowly but surely. With every passing minute it was dropping a per cent.

The situation was reasonably bad. Junior doctor responsible of the night shift made few attempts with additional anti-biotics to make matters well again. But of absolutely no use.

Karincheti Aditya was experiencing last few minutes of his life.

Sitting next to him, holding his hand, my brain started a 20 year ‘back’ journey.

Nothing was more memorable than the feeling.  The warmth of his hand was impulsive, momentary and fortuitous, which entreated upon as a playful summer mango tree in grannys home; another, a  moonlight terrace sleep; a third, a fight posing as WWE wrestlers.  The presentiment triggered slowly a strong dark insight of memory like giant blast in universe creating black hole., A vaccum to come in his absence.

Everything ceased to exist . The sprinting of people around me. The reverberation of  medical equipment beeps .The cool dark weather outside the window. The dim light inside the room. The speechless parents.

As the clock ticked past 2.30, my wish was finally fulfilled.To hug him.The moment my chin struck his right shoulder…..goosebumps rolled up my sleeves and the tears which evaporated for a span of 3 years suddenly broke me down with huge thump in heart.

The only question which I whispered into ear was “ when will come back for a fight?”…….

As anticipated there was no reply….( for past 48 hours he was in coma)

All I lived, was the moment. it wasn’t going to come back….

Exactly At 2.55a.m , The curtains fell upon the life of  a person who has been part of my life and will remain forever. His struggle, tussle, and wriggle are unceasing and relentless teachers for me.

An Year Later......

 Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, excruciating, and biased at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

Adi always taught me one thing: come whatever, whether its sad or happy, disheartening or unlucky, winning or stressed, intentional or insulting……In the end accept it with a smile.

As, the very exquisite purpose of life is a life of purpose, don’t fight it,Challenge it.

“When life goes wrong, as it sometimes will,
when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us occasionally learns.

Stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
So,No matter what happens,never quit..........”