Saturday, December 25, 2010

Democratic Capitalism Rocks!!! An answer to why India is great??

Many people dont know that i can speak for continous hours on a stage. this good/bad habit was developed after a wonderful thing happened to me. After my class 9th half-yearly examinations in st.xaviers school, we had an extempore competetion.
eventhough i intially hesitated to speak but stood up on my feet trembling and spoke out happily on the most wondreful topic i ever researched on " which is better Capitalism or Socialism?".. lately today i thought of writing all my extensive work on PRO'S of  democratic capitalism in a block of white space.

So, what are top 8 advantages of living in democratic-capitalist country??(i.e.,INDIA)

 Today more choice is provided than ever before. You can eat low fat food, organic food, free-range food…(freshly picked from reliance fresh) and you know exactly what you’re getting due to the statistics on the packet. There are plenty of diets easily accessible and gyms with top of the range equipment, unparalleled in other countries. There is greater awareness than ever of the importance of fitness due to government campaigns(Seriously ,Im not joking). All of these contribute to an extremely fit society, and, in desperation, one can always resort to liposuction,fat reduction or some other sort of surgery. Which is why everyone is thin and healthy – on the front of GRUH SHOBHA,FILMFARE magazines and ROBOT film poster, at least.  

7.Social Goodness
It might seem at first glance that everyone is selfishly working for their own money, but dig a little deeper and it becomes apparent that every job has a benefit for someone else. Factory workers produce the products that we can’t live without; hairdressers perform a service that benefits us body and sould; and the police work to protect us and make sure we live in a lawful society(now dont brag me on this)...Even unpopular and ‘overpaid’ professions such as bankers and Film super stars have a positive effect on society, whether it be helping us manage our money, entertainment or something else. The bottom line is that no matter the job; highly or poorly paid, glamorous or dirty, competitive or ‘easy’; everyone can have the satisfaction that they, as much as the well-known public figures, are doing their bit for society.

No matter where you start in life, everyone has an opportunity to make it big. The basic principle is that the harder you work, the greater your reward.Dhirubhai started off as a small time worker with Arab merchants in the 1950s and moved to Mumbai in 1958 to start his own business in spices. After making modest profits, he moved into textiles and opened his mill near Ahmedabad. Dhirubhai founded Reliance Industries in 1958. And then they say the rest is history....

5.Being the Best
But what about the other aspects of human nature: altruism, patience and kindness? These have their place, too, in the capitalist world. Left-wing politicians(namely sitaram yechury{google it}) like to claim that an extensive, expensive welfare system is the only way to provide a safety net for the poor, but in actual fact there are tens of thousands of registered charities providing not-for-profit activities.Today the government runs National rural employement guarantee scheme and mid-day meal scheme which are becoming an example for not only african countries but also THE AMERICA,where out every 7 people 1 is poor.

Most of you reading this note will have grown up in a world-class education system and taken it for granted that you can choose whatever career you want(no 3 idiots theory here  please). At school you selected your favorite subjects and could study them as far as you wanted, followed by applying to a job you chose from the widest variety ever seen in history (1650 in rough figure). This is capitalism at its finest: freedom to live your life the way you want.
However, some argue that advertising infringes on one’s freedom. Don’t like advertising? Don’t switch on the TV or the radio and don’t walk around large towns or cities and you will never meet any. That is the beauty of freedom.
Remember no one forces you to do anything like they do in IRAN and NORTH KOREA.

One of the greatest things about capitalism is that it works perfectly with democracy: everyone gets 1 vote, and thus equal power politically, whatever their race, political views or gender. . Once you reach 18, you have as much power to choose the new government as everybody else above that age – whether that be your father, your teacher or even Ratan TATA. Right?

Perhaps the strongest argument working in favor of democratic capitalism is that there is no alternative politico-economic system which has proved itself to work in our modern age. Almost every attempted implementation of communism has failed (for example, look at China & Russia – they abandoned total communism long ago and are slowly creeping towards capitalism) and any central government risks large amounts of corruption. . So as you can see, changing the economic system isn’t even an option.Now after reading this note go and like our prime minister's Facebook page because he is the real architect of todays new and energetic India.

Always remember at the end of the day even the govenment of india has to deal with 1.21 billion people with hearts,emotions,brains ,intelligence,thoughts and a thumb(voting machine requires a thumb push only).
Its very important to see that all sections of society in the country are happy w/o compromising others liberty.
i found it very fortunate to have born in an country where half of population belongs to my age group
and where my pizza gets delivered to me in less than half an hour making me happy ever after.

BTW, I won the extempore competition........!!!